
The Cobalt API gives you REST access to Organizations, Assets, Pentests, Findings, and Events.

API Versions

EU Data Center


If you’re using our EU Data center ( and need to call our API, be aware that the base URL for API calls will differ from the examples in our documentation, which use the US version.


  1. Identify the base URL: The base URL for customers using our EU Data center is This is the URL you should use when making API calls.
  2. Replace the base URL in examples: All examples provided in our documentation use the US version of the base URL ( When following these examples, you will need to replace the US base URL with the EU base URL.
  3. For example, if an API call in the documentation is shown as:

You should replace it with:

By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your API calls correctly target our EU Data center. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us:


Cobalt uses API tokens to allow access to various endpoints. You can create a new Cobalt API token from within your Cobalt profile.

Cobalt expects the API token to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN

Most API calls are scoped to a specific organization, with the X-Org-Token header. We include that header, as needed, in our API calls.

To see which organizations you belong to:


Get All Organizations

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": [
      "resource": {
        "id": "or_Uevoq7MyoYsPT9NPc3conL",
        "name": "Acme Corp.",
        "token": "e9d6da*****************************0e8ad"
      "links": {
        "ui": {
          "url": ""
      "resource": {
        "id": "or_SnUYXDBYd2qbaDSuNRNa5q",
        "name": "Lorem Corp.",
        "token": "f1d6da*****************************0e8ad"
      "links": {
        "ui": {
          "url": ""
  "pagination": {
    "next_page": "/orgs?cursor=a1b2c3d4",
    "prev_page": "/orgs?cursor=4d3c2b1a"

This endpoint retrieves a list of organizations, or orgs, that you belong to. Save the token field to be used in your X-Org-Token header in subsequent calls in querying for assets, findings, pentests and events that belong to that organization.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

cursorN/AUsed for pagination. Example:
limit10If specified, returns only a specified amount of organizations. Example:

Response Fields

idA unique ID representing the organization. Starts with or_
nameThe name of the organization
tokenThe organization token you’ll need in subsequent calls
links.ui.urlA link to redirect an authorized user to this organization in the Cobalt web application


Get All Assets

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": [
      "resource": {
        "id": "as_GZgcehapJUNh6mjNuqsE4T",
        "title": "Acme Corp. HR System",
        "description": "HR system of the Acme Corp. holding sensitive employee data",
        "asset_type": "web",
        "logo": "",
        "technology_stack": [
            "title": "React 18.0.0"
        "attachments": [
            "id": "at_LA5GcEL4HRitFGCHREqmzL",
            "file_name": "rainbow.jpeg",
            "download_url": ""
        "tags": [
            "name": "tag1"
      "links": {
        "ui": {
          "url": ""
  "pagination": {
    "next_page": "/assets?cursor=a1b2c3d4",
    "prev_page": "/assets?cursor=4d3c2b1a"

This endpoint retrieves a list of assets that belong to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

cursorN/AUsed for pagination. Example:
limit10If specified, returns only a specified amount of assets. Example:
asset_typeN/AIf specified, returns assets that match asset_type. See Response Fields below for example asset_type values. Example: Returns an empty list if no assets match the asset_type filter.
tags_contains_all[]N/AIf specified, returns assets that contain all matching tags. This query parameter can be specified multiple times. Returns an empty list if no matches are found. Example:[]=third party&tags_contains_all[]=some-tag-id
sortN/AIf specified, returns assets sorted by one of the chosen parameters: asset_type. When defined, records are returned in ascending order by the sort parameter. To return in descending order, use a - before the sort parameter. Example:

Response Fields

idA unique ID representing the asset. Starts with as_
titleThe title of the asset; set by user creating the asset
descriptionA description of the asset; set by user creating the asset
asset_typeAn asset type, such as; api, cloud_config, external_network, internal_network, mobile, web, web_plus_api, web_plus_mobile, wireless_network, iot, thick_client, physical, other
logoA link pointing the location of the uploaded asset logo
technology_stackA list of technology stacks. Each element contains the title of the technology. Example: React 18.0.0.
attachmentsA list of asset attachments. Attachment download URLs are pre-authorized and will expire after 10 minutes.
tagsA list of tags. A tag has a name attribute. Example: [{"name": "third-party system-id"}, {"name": "some-tag-id"}]
links.ui.urlA link to redirect an authorized user to this asset in the Cobalt web application

Get an Asset

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": {
    "resource": {
      "id": "as_GZgcehapJUNh6mjNuqsE4T",
      "title": "Acme Corp. HR System",
      "description": "HR system of the Acme Corp. holding sensitive employee data",
      "asset_type": "web",
      "logo": "",
      "technology_stack": [
          "title": "React 18.0.0"
      "attachments": [
          "id": "at_LA5GcEL4HRitFGCHREqmzL",
          "file_name": "rainbow.jpeg",
          "download_url": ""
      "tags": [
          "name": "tag1"
    "links": {
      "ui": {
        "url": ""

This endpoint retrieves a specific asset belonging to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request


Response Fields

idA unique ID representing the asset. Starts with as_
titleThe title of the asset; set by user creating the asset
descriptionA description of the asset; set by user creating the asset
asset_typeAn asset type, such as; api, cloud_config, external_network, internal_network, mobile, web, web_plus_api, web_plus_mobile, wireless_network, iot, thick_client, physical, other
logoA link pointing the location of the uploaded asset logo
technology_stackA list of technology stacks. Each element contains the title of the technology. Example: React 18.0.0.
attachmentsA list of asset attachments (including the logo). Attachment download URLs are pre-authorized and will expire after 10 minutes.
tagsA list of tags. A tag has a name attribute. Example: [{"name": "third-party system-id"}, {"name": "some-tag-id"}]
links.ui.urlA link to redirect an authorized user to this asset in the Cobalt web application

Create an Asset

curl -X POST "" \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  --data '{
            "title": "Test Asset",
            "description": "Lorem ipsum",
            "asset_type": "web",
            "tags": []

The above command returns the created asset and a 201 response code when successful. There will be a Location header pointing at the newly created asset.

  "data": {
    "resource": {
      "id": "as_REXzZ1jXCxEvVvCx3MRMHN",
      "title": "Test Asset",
      "description": "Lorem ipsum",
      "asset_type": "web",
      "logo": null,
      "technology_stack": [],
      "attachments": [],
      "tags": []
    "links": {
      "ui": {
        "url": ""

This endpoint creates a new asset belonging to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request



titleThe title of the asset; set by user creating the asset
descriptionOptional; A description of the asset; set by user creating the asset
asset_typeapi, cloud_config, external_network, internal_network, mobile, web, web_plus_api, web_plus_mobile, wireless_network, iot, thick_client, physical, or other
tagsOptional; A list of tags. A tag has a name attribute. Example: [{"name": "third-party system-id"}, {"name": "some-tag-id"}]. Defaults to empty list if not provided


You get a 201 response code for a successful request. The Location response header contains the URL of the new asset within the Cobalt API.

idA unique ID representing the asset. Starts with as_
titleThe title of the asset; set by user creating the asset
descriptionA description of the asset; set by user creating the asset
asset_typeAn asset type, such as; api, cloud_config, external_network, internal_network, mobile, web, web_plus_api, web_plus_mobile, wireless_network, iot, thick_client, physical, other
logoA link pointing the location of the uploaded asset logo
technology_stackA list of technology stacks. Each element contains the title of the technology. Example: React 18.0.0.
attachmentsA list of asset attachments (including the logo). Attachment download URLs are pre-authorized and will expire after 10 minutes.
tagsA list of tags. A tag has a name attribute. Example: [{"name": "third-party system-id"}, {"name": "some-tag-id"}]
links.ui.urlA link to redirect an authorized user to this asset in the Cobalt web application

Update an Asset

curl -X PUT '' \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  --data '{
            "title": "Updated title",
            "description": "Updated description",
            "asset_type": "web",
            "tags": []

The above command returns the updated asset and a 200 response code when successful.

  "data": {
    "resource": {
      "id": "as_REXzZ1jXCxEvVvCx3MRMHN",
      "title": "Updated title",
      "description": "Updated description",
      "asset_type": "web",
      "logo": null,
      "technology_stack": [],
      "attachments": [],
      "tags": []
    "links": {
      "ui": {
        "url": ""

This endpoint updates an asset belonging to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request



titleThe title of the asset; set by user creating the asset
descriptionOptional; A description of the asset; set by user creating the asset
asset_typeOptions: api, cloud_config, external_network, internal_network, mobile, web, web_plus_api, web_plus_mobile, wireless_network, iot, thick_client, physical, other
tagsOptional; A list of tags. A tag has a name attribute. Example: [{"name": "third-party system-id"}, {"name": "some-tag-id"}]. If tags field is not provided in the PUT request, no changes will occur to the asset tags. Any tags that already exist for the asset and are not provided in the PUT request will be deleted. Any tags that already exist for the asset and are provided in the PUT request will remain. Any tags that do not exist for the asset and are provided in the PUT request will be created.


On a successful update, a 200 response code will be returned.

idA unique ID representing the asset. Starts with as_
titleThe title of the asset; set by user creating the asset
descriptionA description of the asset; set by user creating the asset
asset_typeAn asset type, such as; api, cloud_config, external_network, internal_network, mobile, web, web_plus_api, web_plus_mobile, wireless_network, iot, thick_client, physical, other
logoA link pointing the location of the uploaded asset logo
technology_stackA list of technology stacks. Each element contains the title of the technology. Example: React 18.0.0.
attachmentsA list of asset attachments (including the logo). Attachment download URLs are pre-authorized and will expire after 10 minutes.
tagsA list of tags. A tag has a name attribute. Example: [{"name": "third-party system-id"}, {"name": "some-tag-id"}]
links.ui.urlA link to redirect an authorized user to this asset in the Cobalt web application

Delete an Asset

curl -X DELETE '' \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \

The above command returns no data and a 204 response code when successful.

This endpoint deletes an asset belonging to the organization specified in the header. Note that deleting an asset will also delete all associated tags for the asset.

HTTP Request



On successful deletion, a 204 response code will be returned.

Upload an Attachment

curl -X POST '' \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  --form 'attachment=@"/path/to/image.jpg"'

The above command returns no data and a 201 response code when successful. There will be a Location header pointing at the newly created attachment.

This endpoint uploads a new attachment for an asset belonging to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request



Form fieldDescription
attachmentThe file to upload as an attachment.

File Requirements


On successful upload, a 201 response code will be returned. A response header, Location, will contain the URL within Cobalt API of the new attachment which you can use only to DELETE the attachment.

Delete an Attachment

curl -X DELETE '' \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN' \

The above command returns no data and a 204 response code when successful.

This endpoint deletes an attachment from an asset belonging to the organization specified in the header.

HTTP Request


You can obtain this URL from the Location response header of the create attachment endpoint, or build it by getting the attachment identifier from the response data of the GET /assets endpoint.


On successful deletion, a 204 response code will be returned.

curl -X POST '' \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  --form 'attachment=@"/path/to/image.jpg"'

The above command returns no data and a 201 response code when successful.

This endpoint updates the logo for an asset belonging to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header. This means the old logo is removed and replaced by the new logo.

HTTP Request



Form fieldDescription
attachmentThe file to upload as a logo.

File Requirements


On successful upload, a 201 response code will be returned.


Get All Pentests

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": [
      "resource": {
        "id": "pt_JQJpAAMjyc8sVtXW2X2Aq5",
        "title": "HR System Security Test 2022-Q4",
        "objectives": "Coverage of OWASP top 10, ASVS and application logic.",
        "state": "new",
        "tag": "#PT5940",
        "asset_id": "as_4L4ZjKgfzP7VBwUmqCZmmL",
        "testing_type": "agile",
        "platform_tags": [
        "methodology": "web",
        "targets": [
        "start_date": "Dec 11 2019",
        "end_date": "Dec 25 2019"
      "links": {
        "ui": {
          "url": ""
  "pagination": {
    "next_page": "/pentests?cursor=a1b2c3d4",
    "prev_page": "/pentests?cursor=4d3c2b1a"

This endpoint retrieves a list of all pentests that belong to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

assetN/AIf specified, returns pentests scoped to this asset id. Example: or 404 if asset not found
cursorN/AUsed for pagination. Example:
limit10If specified, returns only a specified amount of pentests. Example:
sortN/AIf specified, returns pentests sorted by one of the chosen properties: start_date, or end_date. When defined, pentests are sorted in ascending order by the sort property. To sort in descending order, use a - before the sort property. Example:
stateN/AIf specified, returns pentests that match state. See Response Fields below for example state values. Example: Returns an empty list if no pentests match the state filter.
testing_typeN/AIf specified, returns pentests that match testing_type. See Response Fields below for example testing_type values. Example: Returns an empty list if no pentests match the testing_type filter.
platform_tags_contains_all[]N/AIf specified, returns pentests that contain all specified platform tags. This query parameter can be specified multiple times. Returns an empty list if no matches are found. Example:[]=Kotlin&platform_tags_contains_all[]=AWS
start_date_lteN/AIf specified, returns pentests where the start_date is less than or equal to the input date. Input format: YYYY-MM-DD. Returns an empty list if no pentests match the filter. Example:
start_date_gteN/AIf specified, returns pentests where the start_date is greater than or equal to the input date. Input format: YYYY-MM-DD. Returns an empty list if no pentests match the filter. Example:
end_date_lteN/AIf specified, returns pentests where the end_date is less than or equal to the input date. Input format: YYYY-MM-DD. Returns an empty list if no pentests match the filter. Example:
end_date_gteN/AIf specified, returns pentests where the end_date is greater than or equal to the input date. Input format: YYYY-MM-DD. Returns an empty list if no pentests match the filter. Example:

Response Fields

idA unique ID representing the pentest. Starts with pt_
titleThe title of the returned pentest.
objectivesThe objectives of the pentest, for example, “Coverage of OWASP Top 10”
asset_idID of the asset that the returned pentest belongs to
testing_typePentest testing type, where can be: agile or comprehensive
platform_tagsTech stack of the target, for example, Java, Kotlin, Ruby, or AWS.
methodologyPentest methodology. Web, API, Web+API, Mobile, External Network and so on.
targetsTargetted IP addresses, domains, services, and so on.
start_dateThe starting date of the pentest. Format: Dec 11 2019
end_dateThe ending date of the pentest. Format: Dec 11 2019
statenew, in_review, planned, cancelled, live, remediation, or closed
links.ui.urlA link to redirect an authorized user to this pentest in the Cobalt web application

Get a Pentest

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": {
    "resource": {
      "id": "pt_JQJpAAMjyc8sVtXW2X2Aq5",
      "title": "HR System Security Test 2022-Q4",
      "objectives": "Coverage of OWASP top 10, ASVS and application logic.",
      "state": "new",
      "tag": "#PT5940",
      "asset_id": "as_4L4ZjKgfzP7VBwUmqCZmmL",
      "testing_type": "agile",
      "platform_tags": [
      "methodology": "web",
      "targets": [
      "start_date": "Dec 11 2019",
      "end_date": "Dec 25 2019"
    "links": {
      "ui": {
        "url": ""

This endpoint retrieves a specific pentest that belongs to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request


Response Fields

idA unique ID representing the pentest. Starts with pt_
titleThe title of the returned pentest.
objectivesThe objectives of the pentest. for example “Coverage of OWASP Top 10”
asset_idID of the asset that the returned pentest belongs to
testing_typePentest testing type, where can be: agile or comprehensive
platform_tagsTech stack of the target. for example java, kotlin, ruby, aws, and so on.
methodologyPentest methodology. Web, API, Web+API, Mobile, External Network and so on.
targetsTargetted IP addresses, domains, services, and so on.
start_dateThe starting date of the pentest. Format: Dec 11 2019
end_dateThe ending date of the pentest. Format: Dec 11 2019
statenew, in_review, planned, cancelled, live, remediation, or closed
links.ui.urlA link to redirect an authorized user to this pentest in the Cobalt web application

Get a Pentest Report

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": {
    "resource": {
      "id": "pt_JQJpAAMjyc8sVtXW2X2Aq5",
      "title": "Pentest Title",
      "state": "live",
      "asset": {
        "id": "as_4L4ZjKgfzP7VBwUmqCZmmL",
      "pentesters": [
          "username": "user1",
          "full_name": "User One"
          "username": "user2",
          "full_name": null
      "report": {
        "report_state": "final",
        "title": "Pentest Title",
        "starts_at": "2022-06-09",
        "ends_at": "2022-06-13",
        "executive_summary": "A pentest.",
        "executive_analysis": "A pentest.",
        "scope_of_work": "Everything.",
        "summary_of_findings": "Some findings were found.",
        "summary_of_recommendations": "Fix some things."
      "findings": {
        "severity": {
          "informational": [
              "id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j2",
              "id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j3",
          "low": [
              "id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j4",
          "medium": [],
          "high": [
              "id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j5",
          "critical": []
        "state": {
          "new": [],
          "triaging": [
              "id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j5",
          "invalid": [
              "id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j3",
          "duplicate": [],
          "out_of_scope": [
              "id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j2",
          "need_fix": [],
          "wont_fix": [],
          "check_fix": [],
          "valid_fix": []
      "accepted_risks": [
          "finding_id": "vl_VuLnerabiLityVuLnerab4",
          "accepted_risk_reason": "internal_dependencies",
          "state": "wont_fix"
    "links": {
      "ui": {
        "url": ""

This endpoint retrieves the report for a specific pentest that belongs to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header. The pentest must be in one of the states live, remediation, or closed.

Note that being able to view a pentest does not equal the ability to view a pentest report. Pentest report visibility depends on a number of factors:

If this endpoint returns a 404 but the underlying pentest is viewable, it’s likely a permissions issue.

HTTP Request


Response Fields

idA unique ID representing the pentest. Starts with pt_.
titleOptional; if present, the title of the returned pentest.
stateOne of live, remediation, or closed (reports can not be generated for pentests in other states).
assetOptional; if present, an object representing the asset associated with this pentest.
asset.idThe unique ID representing the asset associated with this pentest. Starts with as_.
pentestersOptional; if present, a list of the pentesters who performed this pentest.
reportOptional; if present, a summary of this pentest’s findings and recommendations.
findingsA list of the findings broken down by both severity and state. severity is not a required field so some findings may appear in the state section but not in severity. For a list of the valid severity keys, refer to the table in the Calculations section. For a list of valid state keys refer to the States section.
accepted_risksOptional; if present, a list of the accepted risk findings. For details, refer to the Accepted Risk Response Fields section below.
links.ui.urlA link to redirect an authorized user to this pentest in the Cobalt web application.

Pentester Response Fields

usernameThe username of the pentester.
full_nameThe full name of the pentester; can be null.

Report Response Fields

report_stateOptional; if present, one of new_state, draft, in_review, or final.
titleOptional; if present, the title of the pentest.
starts_atOptional; if present, the date the pentest starts.
ends_atOptional; if present, the date the pentest ends.
executive_summaryOptional; if present, a high-level overview of the pentest.
executive_analysisOptional; if present, a high-level analysis of the pentest.
scope_of_workOptional; if present, a description of the scope of work.
summary_of_findingsOptional; if present, a high-level summary of the findings.
summary_of_recommendationsOptional; if present, a high-level summary of the recommendations.

Accepted Risk Response Fields

finding_idA unique ID representing the finding. Starts with vl_.
accepted_risk_reasonOne of low_severity, mitigated_by_waf, mitigated_by_other, no_longer_relevant, third_party_dependencies, internal_dependencies, intended_functionality, or other.
stateThe state of the finding.

Duplicate a Pentest

curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns the new duplicate pentest and a 201 response code when successful. There will be a Location header pointing at the newly created pentest.

  "data": {
    "resource": {
      "id": "pt_MsZGgJW55dJZxAs2AgXAF5",
      "title": "[COPY] foobar - September 2023",
      "objectives": "",
      "state": "new",
      "tag": "#PT83653",
      "asset_id": "as_7PFxAamzsqDNixMcQoR723",
      "platform_tags": [
      "methodology": "web",
      "targets": [
      "start_date": null,
      "end_date": null,
      "testing_type": "agile"
    "links": {
      "ui": {
        "url": ""

This endpoint creates a duplicate pentest based on the identifier provided. The pentest to be duplicated must exist and belong to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header. Note there is no Request body required for this endpoint. Note that you cannot duplicate a pentest that is in Draft state. The new pentest will be in Draft state and will have the same brief as the pentest provided in the identifier.

HTTP Request



You get a 201 response code for a successful request. The Location response header contains the URL of the new pentest within the Cobalt API.

idA unique ID representing the pentest. Starts with pt_
titleThe title of the returned pentest.
objectivesThe objectives of the pentest. for example “Coverage of OWASP Top 10”
asset_idID of the asset that the returned pentest belongs to
testing_typePentest testing type, where can be: agile or comprehensive
platform_tagsTech stack of the target. for example java, kotlin, ruby, aws, and so on.
methodologyPentest methodology. Web, API, Web+API, Mobile, External Network and so on.
targetsTargetted IP addresses, domains, services, and so on.
start_dateThe starting date of the pentest. Format: Dec 11 2019
end_dateThe ending date of the pentest. Format: Dec 11 2019
statenew, in_review, planned, cancelled, live, remediation, or closed
links.ui.urlA link to redirect an authorized user to this pentest in the Cobalt web application

Create a Pentest

curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  --data '{
            "asset_id": "as_4L4ZjKgfzP7VBwUmqCZmmL",
            "title": "Pentest Title",
            "description": "Pentest description.",
            "technology_stack": "ruby,golang,rails,kotlin",
            "instructions": "The pentest target is the v1 endpoints",
            "additional_requests": "Do not test webhook endpoints.",
            "test_credentials": "Account: foobar, password: foobar",
            "test_credentials_option": "provided",
            "targets": ",",
            "testing_type": "comprehensive",
            "scoping": {
              "api": {
                "num_of_endpoints": 1,
                "num_of_roles": 1

The above command returns the created pentest and a 201 response code when successful. There will be a Location header pointing at the newly created pentest.

  "data": {
    "resource": {
      "id": "pt_G8kBTQUR3Nrmv3mWzYvzxT",
      "title": "Pentest Title",
      "objectives": "",
      "state": "new",
      "tag": "#PT83597",
      "asset_id": "as_4L4ZjKgfzP7VBwUmqCZmmL",
      "platform_tags": [
      "methodology": "api",
      "targets": [
      "start_date": null,
      "end_date": null,
      "testing_type": "comprehensive"
    "links": {
      "ui": {
        "url": ""

This endpoint creates a new pentest from the information provided. The pentest will belong to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header. The pentest will be in the Draft state.

HTTP Request



asset_idThe ID of the asset being pentested; this asset must exist and belong to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.
titleThe title of the pentest.
descriptionA description of the pentest.
technology_stackA comma separated list of technologies in use; for example, “Ruby, Go, C#”
instructionsOptional; if present, instructions for the pentesters.
additional_requestsOptional; if present, special requests or instructions for the pentesters.
test_credentialsOptional; if present, credentials to be used by the pentesters.
test_credentials_optionOptional; if present, additional information about the credentials. Must be one of the following: provided, distributed, not_required
targetsOptional; if present, the URLs, endpoints, etc. being targeted by the pentest. A comma separated list; ","
testing_typeOptional; If present, this will be the type of the pentest. Must be one of the following: agile, comprehensive. Default: comprehensive
scopingOptional; if present, information about the size of the pentest. For details, refer to the Scoping Body Fields section below.

Scoping Body Fields

If scoping data is provided, it must match the type of the asset being pentested. For example, if the asset being pentested is of type API, the API-related scoping fields should be filled in.

api.num_of_endpointsThe number of API endpoints to be pentested.
api.num_of_rolesThe number of roles to be pentested per API endpoint.
cloud_config.num_of_servicesThe number of cloud services to be pentested.
cloud_config.num_of_accountsThe number of roles to be pentested per cloud service.
mobile.num_of_viewsThe number of mobile app views to be pentested.
mobile.num_of_rolesThe number of roles to be pentested per mobile app view.
mobile.num_of_operating_systemsThe number of operating systems to be pentested per mobile app.
network.num_of_ipsThe number of network IP addresses to be pentested.
web.num_of_pagesThe number of web pages to be pentested.
web.num_of_rolesThe number of roles to be pentested per web page.


You get a 201 response code for a successful request. The Location response header contains the URL of the new pentest within the Cobalt API.

idA unique ID representing the pentest. Starts with pt_
titleThe title of the returned pentest.
objectivesThe objectives of the pentest. for example “Coverage of OWASP Top 10”
asset_idID of the asset that the returned pentest belongs to
testing_typePentest testing type, where can be: agile or comprehensive
platform_tagsTech stack of the target. for example java, kotlin, ruby, aws, and so on.
methodologyPentest methodology. Web, API, Web+API, Mobile, External Network and so on.
targetsTargetted IP addresses, domains, services, and so on.
start_dateThe starting date of the pentest. Format: Dec 11 2019
end_dateThe ending date of the pentest. Format: Dec 11 2019
statenew, in_review, planned, cancelled, live, remediation, or closed
links.ui.urlA link to redirect an authorized user to this pentest in the Cobalt web application

Update a Pentest

curl -X PUT "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  --data '{
            "asset_id": "as_4L4ZjKgfzP7VBwUmqCZmmL",
            "title": "Pentest Title",
            "description": "Pentest description.",
            "technology_stack": "ruby,golang,rails,kotlin",
            "instructions": "The pentest target is the v1 endpoints",
            "additional_requests": "Do not test webhook endpoints.",
            "test_credentials": "Account: foobar, password: foobar",
            "test_credentials_option": "provided",
            "targets": ",",
            "testing_type": "comprehensive",
            "scoping": {
              "api": {
                "num_of_endpoints": 1,
                "num_of_roles": 1

The above command returns the updated pentest and a 200 response code when successful.

  "data": {
    "resource": {
      "id": "pt_8T215LptHHFKhdRENjm8Ka",
      "title": "Pentest Title",
      "objectives": "Pentest description.",
      "state": "new",
      "tag": "#PT83652",
      "asset_id": "as_4L4ZjKgfzP7VBwUmqCZmmL",
      "platform_tags": [
      "methodology": "api",
      "targets": [
      "start_date": null,
      "end_date": null,
      "testing_type": "comprehensive"
    "links": {
      "ui": {
        "url": ""

This endpoint updates a pentest from the information provided.

HTTP Request



asset_idThe ID of the asset being pentested; this asset must exist and belong to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.
titleThe title of the pentest.
descriptionA description of the pentest.
technology_stackA description of the technology stacks in use; for example, C# or Ruby on Rails.
instructionsOptional; if present, instructions for the pentesters.
additional_requestsOptional; if present, special requests or instructions for the pentesters.
test_credentialsOptional; if present, credentials to be used by the pentesters.
test_credentials_optionOptional; if present, additional information about the credentials.
targetsOptional; if present, the URLs, endpoints, etc being targeted by the pentest.
testing_typeOptional; If present, this will be the new type of the pentest. Must be one of the following: agile, comprehensive.
scopingOptional; if present, information about the size of the pentest. For details, refer to the Scoping Body Fields section below.

Scoping Body Fields

If scoping data is provided, it must match the type of the asset being pentested. For example, if the asset being pentested is of type API, the API-related scoping fields should be filled in.

api.num_of_endpointsThe number of API endpoints to be pentested.
api.num_of_rolesThe number of roles to be pentested per API endpoint.
cloud_config.num_of_servicesThe number of cloud services to be pentested.
cloud_config.num_of_accountsThe number of roles to be pentested per cloud service.
mobile.num_of_viewsThe number of mobile app views to be pentested.
mobile.num_of_rolesThe number of roles to be pentested per mobile app view.
mobile.num_of_operating_systemsThe number of operating systems to be pentested per mobile app.
network.num_of_ipsThe number of network IP addresses to be pentested.
web.num_of_pagesThe number of web pages to be pentested.
web.num_of_rolesThe number of roles to be pentested per web page.


On success, a 200 response code will be returned.

idA unique ID representing the pentest. Starts with pt_
titleThe title of the returned pentest.
objectivesThe objectives of the pentest. for example “Coverage of OWASP Top 10”
asset_idID of the asset that the returned pentest belongs to
testing_typePentest testing type, where can be: agile or comprehensive
platform_tagsTech stack of the target. for example java, kotlin, ruby, aws, and so on.
methodologyPentest methodology. Web, API, Web+API, Mobile, External Network and so on.
targetsTargetted IP addresses, domains, services, and so on.
start_dateThe starting date of the pentest. Format: Dec 11 2019
end_dateThe ending date of the pentest. Format: Dec 11 2019
statenew, in_review, planned, cancelled, live, remediation, or closed
links.ui.urlA link to redirect an authorized user to this pentest in the Cobalt web application

Delete a Pentest

curl -X DELETE '' \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN' \

The above command returns no data and a 204 response code when successful.

This endpoint deletes a pentest belonging to the organization specified in the header. Note that you can only delete a pentest when it is in draft or review state.

HTTP Request



On successful deletion, a 204 response code will be returned.



The table below describes how the finding state values used by the API correspond to finding states shown in the user interface.

API ValueUI NameDescription
newDraftA pentester has created a draft finding but has not yet submitted it for triaging
triagingTriagingThe finding is being triaged
need_fixPending FixThe finding is valid and needs to be fixed
check_fixReady for RetestA fix is awaiting validation by a pentester
valid_fixFixedThe finding was fixed and validated by a pentester
wont_fixAccepted RiskThe risk has been accepted. The finding will not be fixed
carried_overCarried OverThe finding was carried over from a previous pentest
not_applicableNot ApplicableThe finding is not applicable
invalidInvalidThe finding is invalid
duplicateInvalidThe finding is invalid (deprecated state)
staleInvalidThe finding is invalid (deprecated state)
out_of_scopeInvalidThe finding is invalid (deprecated state)

Get All Findings

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": [
      "resource": {
        "id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j9",
        "tag": "#PT3334_37",
        "title": "XSS vulnerability",
        "description": "Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a type of injection, in which malicious scripts...",
        "type_category": "Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)",
        "labels": [
            "name": "Your label"
        "impact": 5,
        "likelihood": 4,
        "severity": "high",
        "affected_targets": [
        "proof_of_concept": "Here you can see...",
        "severity_justification": "The vulnerability can cause a lot of damage",
        "suggested_fix": "Ensure this...",
        "prerequisites": "Credentials are needed",
        "pentest_id": "pt_PEtv4dqnwGV2efZhLw3BM5",
        "http_request": "HTTP GET / ...",
        "asset_id": "as_HcChCMueiPQQgvckmZtRSd",
        "log": [
            "action": "created",
            "timestamp": "2021-04-01T15:13:24.322Z"
            "action": "likelihood_changed",
            "value": 4,
            "timestamp": "2021-04-01T15:14:05.856Z"
            "action": "impact_changed",
            "value": 5,
            "timestamp": "2021-04-01T15:14:05.856Z"
            "action": "state_changed",
            "value": "need_fix",
            "timestamp": "2021-04-01T15:14:06.757Z"
            "action": "state_changed",
            "value": "check_fix",
            "timestamp": "2021-04-01T15:14:57.845Z"
        "state": "check_fix",
        "created_at": "2022-09-26T18:35:18.759Z",
        "updated_at": "2022-09-26T18:36:57.462Z",
        "attachments": [
            "id": "at_LA5GcEL4HRitFGCHREqmzL",
            "file_name": "rainbow.jpeg",
            "download_url": ""
      "links": {
        "ui": {
          "url": ""
  "pagination": {
    "next_page": "/findings?cursor=a1b2c3d4",
    "prev_page": "/findings?cursor=4d3c2b1a"

This endpoint retrieves a list of all pentest findings that belong to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header, filterable by pentest_id or asset_id. The log array presents a history of each finding and corresponding timestamp.


We follow the standard risk model described by OWASP, where:

Risk = Impact * Likelihood

Cobalt Risk Input Fields:

Cobalt Risk Classification (severity, a.k.a. criticality):

critical25Includes vulnerabilities that require immediate attention.
high16-24Impacts the security of your application/platform/hardware, including supported systems. Includes high probability vulnerabilities with a high business impact.
medium5-15Includes vulnerabilities that are: medium risk, medium impact; low risk, high impact; high risk, low impact.
low2-4Specifies common vulnerabilities with minimal impact.
informational1Notes vulnerabilities of minimal risk to your business.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

cursorN/AUsed for pagination. Example:
limit10If specified, returns only a specified amount of findings. Example:
pentestN/AIf specified, returns findings scoped to this pentest id. Example:
assetN/AIf specified, returns findings scoped to this asset id. Example:
stateN/AIf specified, returns findings that match state. See Response Fields below for example state values. Example: Returns an empty list if no findings match the state filter.
severityN/AIf specified, returns findings that match severity. See Response Fields below for example severity values. Example: Returns an empty list if no findings match the severity filter.
labels_contains_all[]N/AIf specified, returns findings that contain all specified labels. This query parameter can be specified multiple times. Returns an empty list if no matches are found. Example:[]=Awaiting Feedback&labels_contains_all[]=Retest Blocked
sortN/AIf specified, returns findings sorted by one of the chosen parameters: severity, impact, state, created_at and updated_at. When defined, findings are sorted in ascending order by the sort parameter. To sort in descending order, use a - before the sort parameter. Example:
created_at_lteN/AIf specified, returns findings where the created_at timestamp is less than or equal to the input timestamp. ISO8601 is the supported input timestamp format. Returns an empty list if no findings match the filter. Example:
created_at_gteN/AIf specified, returns findings where the created_at timestamp is greater than or equal to the input timestamp. ISO8601 is the supported input timestamp format. Returns an empty list if no findings match the filter. Example:
updated_at_lteN/AIf specified, returns findings where the updated_at timestamp is less than or equal to the input timestamp. ISO8601 is the supported input timestamp format. Returns an empty list if no findings match the filter. Example:
updated_at_gteN/AIf specified, returns findings where the updated_at timestamp is greater than or equal to the input timestamp. ISO8601 is the supported input timestamp format. Returns an empty list if no findings match the filter. Example:
image_attachments_render_formatmarkdownIf specified, returns image attachments with the specified render format. Supported values are markdown and token. Example: See the Image Attachments section for more information

Response Fields

FieldEnum Types
logcreated, impact_changed, likelihood_changed, state_changed
severitynull, low, medium, high (aka criticality. will be null if likelihood/impact have not yet been set by the pentester)
severity_justificationOptional; The justification for the severity rating
prerequisitesOptional; The prerequisites required for reproducing the vulnerability
http_requestOptional; An example HTTP request for reproducing the vulnerability
stateSee Finding States Documentation
type_categoryXSS, SQLi, … (about 30 more via the Cobalt Taxonomy)
attachmentsA list of finding attachments. Attachment download URLs are pre-authorized and will expire after 10 minutes.
links.ui.urlA link to redirect an authorized user to this finding in the Cobalt web application

Image Attachments

Several finding response fields support image attachments. By default, these attachments are rendered in our response JSON as markdown. For example: ![screenshot.png]( This format is not useful for users who want to programmatically download the attachments and associate them with a specific position in the finding response. For this use case, we support a token format, which renders the attachment as a token that can be used to download the attachment. For example: <CobaltImageAttachment at_KYKDAhZPXuQ4BW23g8i9QN>. The token format allows users to employ a technology such as RegEx to search the finding response fields for image attachments and extract the image attachment IDs. In the example token, at_KYKDAhZPXuQ4BW23g8i9QN is the attachment ID. Users can use the attachment ID to locate the full attachment information by searching the attachments array in the finding response for an object with a matching ID. The attachment object includes a download_url field that can be used to download the attachment.

Get a Finding

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "resource": {
    "id": "vl_3sP2RCWWUajc3oRXmbQ4j9",
    "tag": "#PT5940",
    "title": "XSS vulnerability",
    "description": "Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a type of injection, in which malicious scripts...",
    "type_category": "Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)",
    "labels": [
        "name": "Your label"
    "impact": 5,
    "likelihood": 4,
    "severity": "high",
    "affected_targets": [
    "proof_of_concept": "Here you can see...",
    "severity_justification": "The vulnerability can cause a lot of damage",
    "suggested_fix": "Ensure this...",
    "prerequisites": "Credentials are needed",
    "pentest_id": "pt_PEtv4dqnwGV2efZhLw3BM5",
    "http_request": "HTTP GET / ...",
    "asset_id": "as_HcChCMueiPQQgvckmZtRSd",
    "log": [
        "action": "created",
        "timestamp": "2021-09-22T18:43:01.677Z"
    "state": "new",
    "created_at": "2022-09-26T18:35:18.759Z",
    "updated_at": "2022-09-26T18:36:57.462Z",
    "attachments": [
        "id": "at_LA5GcEL4HRitFGCHREqmzL",
        "file_name": "rainbow.jpeg",
        "download_url": ""
  "links": {
    "ui": {
      "url": ""

This endpoint retrieves a specific finding that belong to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

image_attachments_render_formatmarkdownIf specified, returns image attachments with the specified render format. Supported values are markdown and token. Example: See the Image Attachments section for more information

Response Fields

FieldEnum Types
logcreated, impact_changed, likelihood_changed, state_changed
severitynull, low, medium, high (aka criticality. will be null if likelihood/impact have not yet been set by the pentester)
severity_justificationOptional; The justification for the severity rating
prerequisitesOptional; The prerequisites required for reproducing the vulnerability
http_requestOptional; An example HTTP request for reproducing the vulnerability
stateSee Finding States Documentation
type_categoryXSS, SQLi, … (about 30 more via the Cobalt Taxonomy)
attachmentsA list of finding attachments. Attachment download URLs are pre-authorized and will expire after 10 minutes.
urlThe links.ui.url will redirect an authorized user to this finding in the Cobalt platform

Image Attachments

Several finding response fields support image attachments. By default, these attachments are rendered in our response JSON as markdown. For example: ![screenshot.png]( This format is not useful for users who want to programmatically download the attachments and associate them with a specific position in the finding response. For this use case, we support a token format, which renders the attachment as a token that can be used to download the attachment. For example: <CobaltImageAttachment at_KYKDAhZPXuQ4BW23g8i9QN>. The token format allows users to employ a technology such as RegEx to search the finding response fields for image attachments and extract the image attachment IDs. In the example token, at_KYKDAhZPXuQ4BW23g8i9QN is the attachment ID. Users can use the attachment ID to locate the full attachment information by searching the attachments array in the finding response for an object with a matching ID. The attachment object includes a download_url field that can be used to download the attachment.

View Available Finding States

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "resource": {
    "current_state": "invalid",
    "possible_states": [

This endpoint retrieves the current state of a finding as well as possible next states.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

YOUR-FINDING-IDA unique ID representing the finding. Starts with vl_

Response Fields

current_stateThe current state of the finding.
possible_statesA list of states that the finding can be transitioned to. See Finding States Documentation

Update Finding State

curl -X PATCH "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \
  -d '{"state":"triaging"}'

If successful, this command returns 204.

This endpoint updates the current state of a finding.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

YOUR-FINDING-IDA unique ID representing the finding. Starts with vl_


stateThe desired next state of the finding. Should be one of the possible states.


Get All Engagements

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": [
      "resource": {
        "engagement_type": "secure_code_review",
        "id": "scr_BXc7VWbtrUMHE4Wak95Le",
        "tag": "#SCR26728",
        "title": "Secure Code Review - Public API",
        "methodology": "code_review",
        "state": "live",
        "start_date": "May 17 2024",
        "end_date": "May 24 2024",
        "asset_public_ids": [
      "links": {
        "ui": {
          "url": ""
  "pagination": {
    "next_page": "/engagements?cursor=eyJwYWdlIjozLCJzaXplIjoxMH0=",
    "prev_page": "/engagements?cursor=eyJwYWdlIjoxLCJzaXplIjoxMH0="

This endpoint retrieves a list of all engagements that belong to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

cursorN/AUsed for pagination. Example:
sortcreated_atIf specified, returns engagements sorted in ascending order by one of these properties: created_at, end_date, start_date, state, or updated_at. To sort in descending order, use a - before the sort property. Example:

Response Fields

asset_public_idsList of the IDs of any assets associated with the returned engagement
end_dateThe ending date of the engagement. Format: Aug 25 2024
engagement_typeThe engagement type. digital_risk_assessment or secure_code_review
idA unique ID representing the engagement
methodologyEngagement methodology. Valid values depend on the engagement type
start_dateThe starting date of the engagement. Format: Aug 11 2024
statedraft, in_review, planned, live, remediation, closed, or cancelled
tagA human-friendly unique ID representing the engagement
titleThe title of the returned engagement
links.ui.urlA link to redirect an authorized user to this engagement in the Cobalt web application

Get an Engagement

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": {
    "resource": {
      "engagement_type": "secure_code_review",
      "id": "scr_Q2SX4qz3fTcJwAAiqRG5wp",
      "tag": "#SCR5940",
      "title": "HR System Secure Code Review 2022-Q4",
      "application_details": "",
      "objectives": "",
      "approach": "",
      "methodology": "code_review",
      "state": "live",
      "start_date": "Aug 11 2024",
      "end_date": "Aug 25 2024",
      "asset_public_ids": [
    "links": {
      "ui": {
        "url": ""

This endpoint retrieves a specific engagement that belongs to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request


Response Fields

The fields that are returned depend on the engagement type. This can be determined from the engagement_type field, which is common to all engagement types.

FieldEngagement Type(s)Description
activitiesDigital risk assessmentsDescription of activities performed as part of the engagement
application_detailsSecure code reviewsDescription of the application being reviewed
approachSecure code reviewsDescription of the approach the reviewer should take
asset_public_idAllList of the IDs of any assets targeted by the returned engagement
end_dateAllThe ending date of the engagement. Format: Aug 25 2024
engagement_typeAllThe engagement type. digital_risk_assessment or secure_code_review
idAllA unique ID representing the engagement
methodologyAllEngagement methodology. Valid values depend on the engagement type
objectivesAllThe objectives of the engagement, for example “Coverage of OWASP Top 10”
start_dateAllThe starting date of the engagement. Format: Aug 11 2024
stateAlldraft, in_review, planned, live, remediation, closed, or cancelled
tagAllA human-friendly unique ID representing the engagement
titleAllThe title of the returned engagement
links.ui.urlAllA link to redirect an authorized user to this engagement in the Cobalt web application

Engagement Findings


The table below describes how the engagement finding state values used by the API correspond to finding states shown in the user interface.

API ValueUI NameDescription
newDraftA pentester has created a draft finding but has not yet submitted it for triaging
triagingTriagingThe finding is being triaged
need_fixPending FixThe finding is valid and needs to be fixed
check_fixReady for RetestA fix is awaiting validation by a pentester
valid_fixFixedThe finding was fixed and validated by a pentester
wont_fixAccepted RiskThe risk has been accepted. The finding will not be fixed
invalidInvalidThe finding is invalid
duplicateInvalidThe finding is invalid
out_of_scopeInvalidThe finding is invalid

Get All Engagement Findings

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "pagination": {
    "next_page": "/engagement_findings?cursor=eyJwYWdlIjoyLCJzaXplIjoxMH0=",
    "prev_page": null
  "data": [
      "resource": {
        "finding_type": "digital_risk_assessment_finding",
        "id": "draf_5HPNLdMGN7kRV3Wjn3BDWv",
        "tag": "#DRA20540_6",
        "engagement_id": "dra_J9Edby7Qso4HzhgRzwktW4",
        "created_at": "2024-04-30T10:49:26.536Z",
        "title": "Title.",
        "description": "Description.",
        "affected_resource": "Resource.",
        "proof_of_concept": "Proof of concept.",
        "severity_description": "Severity description.",
        "suggested_fix": "Suggested fix.",
        "prerequisites": "Prerequisites.",
        "state": "new",
        "type_category": "",
        "impact": 1,
        "likelihood": 2,
        "severity": "low",
        "attachments": []
      "links": {
        "ui": {
          "url": ""
      "resource": {
        "finding_type": "secure_code_review_finding",
        "id": "scrf_6iz9f9PkNQe2P4PFXMP162",
        "tag": "#SCR26733_2",
        "engagement_id": "scr_HQFC6FaM8kZv17QBTe3rmR",
        "created_at": "2024-05-28T11:42:30.508Z",
        "title": "Title.",
        "description": "Description.",
        "affected_resource": "Affected resource.",
        "proof_of_concept": "Proof of concept.",
        "severity_description": "Severity descrption.",
        "suggested_fix": "Suggested fix.",
        "code_snippets": "Code snippets.",
        "state": "triaging",
        "target_asset_id": "as_A7EhhrnMZxSvfQPLqSFbE7",
        "type_category": "",
        "impact": 3,
        "likelihood": 3,
        "severity": "medium",
        "cvss_score": null,
        "attachments": []
      "links": {
        "ui": {
          "url": ""

This endpoint retrieves a list of all engagement findings that belong to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.


We follow the standard risk model described by OWASP, where:

Risk = Impact * Likelihood

Cobalt Risk Input Fields:

Cobalt Risk Classification (severity, a.k.a. criticality):

critical25Includes vulnerabilities that require immediate attention.
high16-24Impacts the security of your application/platform/hardware, including supported systems. Includes high probability vulnerabilities with a high business impact.
medium5-15Includes vulnerabilities that are: medium risk, medium impact; low risk, high impact; high risk, low impact.
low2-4Specifies common vulnerabilities with minimal impact.
informational1Notes vulnerabilities of minimal risk to your business.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

cursorN/AUsed for pagination. Example:
sortcreated_atIf specified, returns engagement findings sorted in ascending order by one of these properties: created_at, impact, likelihood, severity, state, or updated_at. To sort in descending order, use a - before the sort property. Example:

Response Fields

The fields that are returned depend on the engagement finding type. This can be determined from the finding_type field, which is common to all engagement finding types.

FieldEngagement Finding Type(s)Description
affected_resourceAllResource(s) impacted by the returned finding
attachmentsAllA list of finding attachments. Attachment download URLs are pre-authorized and will expire after 10 minutes
code_snippetsSecure code review findingsCode snippets demonstrating the issue with the returned finding
created_atAllThe timestamp when this finding was created. Format: 2024-05-28T11:39:25.011Z
cvss_scoreSecure code review findingsCVSS score for this finding
descriptionAllThe description of the returned finding
engagement_idAllThe unique ID of the engagement this finding belongs to
finding_typeAllThe finding type. digital_risk_assessment_finding or secure_code_review_finding
idAllA unique ID representing the finding
impactAllIf exploited, the potential impact of this finding. 0 (very low impact) - 5 (very high impact)
likelihoodAllHow likely this finding is to be exploited. 0 (very unlikely) - 5 (very likely)
prerequisitesDigital risk assessment findingsConditions that must be fulfilled to successfully exploit the returned finding
proof_of_conceptAllA proof of concept for the returned finding
severityAllnull likelihood/impact have not yet been set by the pentester, otherwise the rating as described above
severity_descriptionAllDescription of the impact and likelihood of the returned finding
stateAllThe state of the finding. new, triaging, out_of_scope, invalid, duplicate, need_fix, check_fix, valid_fix, or wont_fix
suggested_fixAllHow to fix the returned finding
tagAllA human-friendly unique ID representing the finding
target_asset_idAllThe unique ID of the asset impacted by the returned finding
titleAllThe title of the returned finding
type_categoryAllThe general type category of the returned finding. Example: XSS
links.ui.urlAllA link to redirect an authorized user to this finding in the Cobalt web application

Get an Engagement Finding

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": {
    "resource": {
      "finding_type": "secure_code_review_finding",
      "id": "scrf_CrmugETa3zTJWbu6ybRZMJ",
      "tag": "#SCR26733_1",
      "engagement_id": "scr_HQFC6FaM8kZv17QBTe3rmR",
      "created_at": "2024-05-28T11:39:25.011Z",
      "title": "Finding Title",
      "description": "Description.",
      "affected_resource": "Affected resource.",
      "proof_of_concept": "Proof of concept.",
      "severity_description": "Severity description.",
      "suggested_fix": "Suggested fix.",
      "code_snippets": "Code snippets.",
      "state": "need_fix",
      "target_asset_id": "as_4L4ZjKgfzP7VBwUmqCZmmL",
      "type_category": "Binary Planting",
      "impact": 3,
      "likelihood": 3,
      "severity": "medium",
      "cvss_score": "8.8 (AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H)",
      "attachments": [
          "id": "at_LA5GcEL4HRitFGCHREqmzL",
          "file_name": "rainbow.jpeg",
          "download_url": ""
    "links": {
      "ui": {
        "url": ""

This endpoint retrieves a specific engagement finding that belongs to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request


Response Fields

For details about each response field, please refer to the table above.

Update Engagement Finding State

curl -X PATCH "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \
  -d '{"state":"triaging"}'

If successful, this command returns 200.

This endpoint updates the current state of an engagement finding.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

YOUR-ENGAGEMENT-FINDING-IDENTIFIERA unique ID representing the engagement finding. The general form is P_I, where P is a prefix (such as scrf) indicating the type of finding, and I is a unique identifier.


stateThe desired next state of the engagement finding. Should be one of the possible states.

Response Fields

For details about each response field, please refer to the table above.

The returned object will reflect the updated state.

Attack Surface

Get Attack Surface

curl --location '' \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "resource": {
    "domains": "3",
    "seen_hosts": "200",
    "new_seen_hosts": "10"
  "links": {
    "ui": {
      "url": ""

This endpoint retrieves stats from the attack surface that belong to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request


Response Fields

domainsTotal amount of domains
seen_hostsAmount of hosts with at least one IP found within the last 7 days
new_seen_hostsAmount of hosts we found an IP for the first time within the last 7 days
links.ui.urlA link to redirect an authorized user to the attack surface of the organization in the Cobalt web application

DAST Targets

Get All DAST Targets

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "pagination": {
    "next_page": "/resource?cursor=123asdzxc",
    "prev_page": "/resource?cursor=123asdzxc"
  "data": [
      "resource": {
        "id": "dt_GZgcehapJUNh6mjNuqsE4T",
        "name": "My DAST Target",
        "url": "https://myapp.local",
        "enabled": true

This endpoint retrieves a list of all DAST Targets that belong to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

cursorN/AUsed for pagination. Example:
limit10If specified, returns only a specified amount of targets. Example:

Response Fields

idA unique ID representing the DAST target. Starts with dt_
nameThe name of the returned DAST target.
urlThe URL of the returned DAST target
enabledA boolean flag specifying if the DAST target is enabled

Get a DAST Target

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "resource": {
    "id": "dt_GZgcehapJUNh6mjNuqsE4T",
    "name": "My DAST Target",
    "url": "https://myapp.local",
    "enabled": true

This endpoint retrieves a specific DAST Target that belongs to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request


Response Fields

idA unique ID representing the DAST target. Starts with dt_
nameThe name of the returned DAST target.
urlThe URL of the returned DAST target
enabledA boolean flag specifying if the DAST target is enabled

DAST Scans

Get All DAST Scans

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "pagination": {
    "next_page": "/resource?cursor=123asdzxc",
    "prev_page": "/resource?cursor=123asdzxc"
  "data": [
      "resource": {
        "id": "dsc_GZgceqweJUNh6mjNuqsE4T",
        "target_id": "dt_GZgcehapJUNh6mjNuqsE4T",
        "status": "completed",
        "started_at": "2024-07-01T10:04:31.460Z",
        "completed_at": "2024-07-01T10:04:31.460Z"

This endpoint retrieves a list of all DAST scans that belong to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

cursorN/AUsed for pagination. Example:
limit10If specified, returns only a specified amount of scans. Example:
targetN/AIf specified, returns scans scoped to this target id. Example:

Response Fields

idA unique ID representing the DAST scan. Starts with dsc_
target_idA unique ID representing the DAST target. Starts with dt_
statusPossible values: [canceled, canceling, completed, completed_with_errors, failed, paused, pausing, queued, resuming, started, under_review, finishing_up]
started_atDate and time of when the scan started.
completed_atDate and time of when the scan was completed.

Get a DAST Scan

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "resource": {
    "id": "dsc_GZgceqweJUNh6mjNuqsE4T",
    "target_id": "dt_GZgcehapJUNh6mjNuqsE4T",
    "status": "completed",
    "started_at": "2024-07-01T10:19:11.160Z",
    "completed_at": "2024-07-01T10:19:11.160Z"

This endpoint retrieves a specific DAST Scan that belongs to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request


Response Fields

idA unique ID representing the DAST scan. Starts with dsc_
target_idA unique ID representing the DAST target. Starts with dt_
statusPossible values: [canceled, canceling, completed, completed_with_errors, failed, paused, pausing, queued, resuming, started, under_review, finishing_up]
started_atDate and time of when the scan started.
completed_atDate and time of when the scan was completed.

Create a DAST Scan

curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "resource": {
    "id": "dsc_GZgceqweJUNh6mjNuqsE4T",
    "target_id": "dt_GZgcehapJUNh6mjNuqsE4T",
    "status": "queued",
    "started_at": "2024-07-01T10:19:11.160Z",
    "completed_at": "2024-07-01T10:19:11.160Z"

This endpoint triggers a new DAST scan on the specified target. The scan will start in the queued state and progress to completed or failed.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

YOUR-DAST-TARGET-IDENTIFIERA unique ID representing the target. Starts with dt_

Response Fields

idA unique ID representing the DAST scan. Starts with dsc_
target_idA unique ID representing the DAST target. Starts with dt_
statusPossible values: [canceled, canceling, completed, completed_with_errors, failed, paused, pausing, queued, resuming, started, under_review, finishing_up]
started_atDate and time of when the scan started.
completed_atDate and time of when the scan was completed.

DAST Scheduled Scans

Create a scheduled DAST Scan

curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \
  --data '{
            "date_time": "2024-07-01T10:19:11.160Z",
            "recurrence": "WEEKLY"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "resource": {
    "id": "dsc_GZgceqweJUNh6mjNuqsE4T",
    "target_id": "dt_GZgcehapJUNh6mjNuqsE4T",
    "date_time": "2024-07-01T10:19:11.160Z",
    "recurrence": "WEEKLY"

This endpoint creates a new scheduled DAST scan on the specified target. The scan will start when the date_time is reached or the next time the recurrence would happen.

HTTP Request



recurrenceOptional; if present, the scan will be triggered every certain time period. Available values: WEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY
date_timeDate and time of when the scan will run

URL Parameters

YOUR-DAST-TARGET-IDENTIFIERA unique ID representing the target. Starts with dt_

Response Fields

idA unique ID representing the DAST scan. Starts with dsc_
target_idA unique ID representing the DAST target. Starts with dt_
date_timeDate and time of when the scan will run
recurrenceHow often will the scan run. Possible vaules: WEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY. Nullable (no recurrence)

DAST Findings

Get All DAST Findings

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "pagination": {
    "next_page": "/resource?cursor=123asdzxc",
    "prev_page": "/resource?cursor=123asdzxc"
  "data": [
      "resource": {
        "id": "dfi_2pF7XE2nJyP3i8ComjVXj3",
        "target_id": "dt_GZgcehapJUNh6mjNuqsE4T",
        "scan_ids": [
        "title": "string",
        "last_found_at": "2024-07-01T10:39:31.919Z",
        "severity": "string",
        "state": "string",
        "affected_url": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "proof_of_concept": "string",
        "suggested_fix": "string",
        "http_exchanges": [
            "request": "string",
            "response": "string"

This endpoint retrieves a list of all DAST findings that belong to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

cursorN/AUsed for pagination. Example:
limit10If specified, returns only a specified amount of findings. Example:
targetN/AIf specified, returns findings scoped to this target id. Example:
scanN/AIf specified, returns findings scoped to this scan id. Example:

Response Fields

See Finding response fields

Get a DAST Finding

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "resource": {
    "id": "dfi_2pF7XE2nJyP3i8ComjVXj3",
    "target_id": "dt_GZgcehapJUNh6mjNuqsE4T",
    "scan_ids": [
    "title": "string",
    "last_found_at": "2024-07-01T10:56:34.997Z",
    "severity": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "affected_url": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "proof_of_concept": "string",
    "suggested_fix": "string",
    "http_exchanges": [
        "request": "string",
        "response": "string"

This endpoint retrieves a specific DAST finding that belongs to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

YOUR-DAST-FINDING-IDENTIFIERA unique ID representing the finding. Starts with dfi_

Finding Response Fields

idA unique ID representing the DAST finding. Starts with dfi_
target_idA unique ID representing the DAST target. Starts with dt_
scan_idsAn array of unique ID representing the scans that originated the vulnerability finding. Starts with dsc_
titleName of the vulnerability
last_found_atDate and time of when the vulnerability was last found, in ISO 8601 UTC format.
severitySeverity of the vulnerability finding: 10 is low. 20 is medium. 30 is high.
stateState of the vulnerability finding: [invalid, need_fix, wont_fix, valid_fix, check_fix]
affected_urlURL affected by the found vulnerability
descriptionDescription of the vulnerability.
proof_of_conceptEvidence of the vulnerability finding.
suggested_fixDescription of how to fix the vulnerability.
http_exchangesPairs of request and response of the vulnerability finding.

Retest DAST finding

curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns no data and a 204 response code when successful.

This endpoint runs a short scan to determine if the finding can still be detected. The state of the finding will change automatically once the retest finishes. Because DAST findings are of an automated nature, retesting and passing the scan is the only way to mark it as fixed.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

YOUR-DAST-FINDING-IDENTIFIERA unique ID representing the finding. Starts with dfi_

Update Finding State

curl -X PATCH "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \
  -d '{"state":"need_fix"}'

If successful, this command returns 200 and the updated finding

This endpoint updates the current state of a DAST finding. Note that changing the state to fixed or check_fix is not possible with this endpoint. You have to use the retest endpoint for that.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

YOUR-DAST-FINDING-IDENTIFIERA unique ID representing the finding. Starts with dfi_


stateThe desired next state of the finding. Should be one of [invalid, wont_fix, need_fix]

Response fields

See Finding response fields

External Ticket References

Search External Ticket References

curl --location '' \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \
  --data '{}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": [
      "resource": {
        "id": "efr_NgGSgvKVGLeTpVHAiGWkMG",
        "title": "6",
        "reference_type": "azure_devops_boards",
        "ticketing_system": "azure_devops_boards",
        "external_url": "",
        "external_id": "my-project-test-6",
        "finding_id": "vl_4C5HhhycuKM6BYY72PpftM"
      "resource": {
        "id": "efr_8wDddLH13BoMoyvEtMEvPX",
        "title": "123",
        "reference_type": "github",
        "ticketing_system": "github",
        "external_url": "",
        "external_id": "my-org-my-project-123",
        "finding_id": "vl_JTovzf8AW1afCRpKJejse3"
      "resource": {
        "id": "efr_2qkKUC1PGDPR7KhvixTsXW",
        "title": "TEST-36",
        "reference_type": "jira",
        "ticketing_system": "jira",
        "external_url": "",
        "external_id": "10213",
        "finding_id": "dfi_2bZrrKE3Hay7oLrbNUponW"

This endpoint allows you to search for external ticket references that belong to the organization specified in the X-Org-Token header. You may search by a subset of findings, a particular ticketing system, or an external ticket’s identifier in the external ticketing system. This endpoint only allows you to search for external ticket references created via the Integration Builder or the public API. External ticket references created via our older native Jira and GitHub integrations are not available via this API.

If you want to filter the search results based on a subset of findings, you can use the findings property in the request body.

curl --location '' \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \
  --data '{"findings":[{"id":"vl_JTovzf8AW1afCRpKJejse3"},{"id":"dfi_2bZrrKE3Hay7oLrbNUponW"}]}'

You can filter the external ticket references by a particular ticketing system using the ticketing_system property.

curl --location '' \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \
  --data '{"ticketing_system":"azure_devops_boards"}'

The external_id property can filter the external ticket reference by its identifier in the external ticketing system.

curl --location '' \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \
  --data '{"external_id":"8"}'

HTTP Request


Request Body

findingsAn array of finding ID objects to filter the search. For example, [{"id":"vl_JTovzf8AW1afCRpKJejse3"},{"id":"dfi_2bZrrKE3Hay7oLrbNUponW"}].
ticketing_systemOne of the supported ticketing systems or a custom ticketing system type.
external_idThe external ticket’s identifier in the external ticketing system.

Create an External Ticket Reference

curl --location '' \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \
  --data '{"title":"TEST-37","ticketing_system":"jira","external_url":"","external_id":"10214","finding_id":"vl_JTovzf8AW1afCRpKJejse3"}'

The above command returns the created external ticket reference and a 201 response code when successful.

  "resource": {
    "id": "efr_9ekpSErugPH8zst2pBcjPo",
    "title": "TEST-37",
    "ticketing_system": "jira",
    "external_url": "",
    "external_id": "10214",
    "finding_id": "vl_JTovzf8AW1afCRpKJejse3"

This endpoint creates the external ticket reference, and on a successful request, it will return a 201 response code along with the created external ticket reference information.

HTTP Request


Request Body

titleA short descriptive title of the external ticket. For example, the ticket ID.
ticketing_systemOne of the supported ticketing systems or a custom ticketing system type.
external_urlThe URL of the external ticket.
external_idAn arbitrary external identifier for the ticket reference.
finding_idThe Cobalt ID of the finding this external ticket belongs to.


You get a 201 response code for a successful request.

idA unique ID representing the external ticket reference. Starts with efr_
titleA short descriptive title of the external ticket. For example, the ticket ID.
ticketing_systemOne of the supported ticketing systems or a custom ticketing system type.
external_urlThe URL of the external ticket.
external_idAn arbitrary external identifier for the ticket reference.
finding_idThe Cobalt ID of the finding this external ticket belongs to.

Update an External Ticket Reference

curl -X PATCH \ 
  --location '' \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \
  --data '{"title":"TEST-37","external_url":"","external_id":"10214","finding_id":"vl_JTovzf8AW1afCRpKJejse3"}'

The above command returns the updated external ticket reference and a 200 response code when successful.

  "resource": {
    "id": "efr_9ekpSErugPH8zst2pBcjPo",
    "title": "TEST-37",
    "ticketing_system": "jira",
    "external_url": "",
    "external_id": "10214",
    "finding_id": "vl_JTovzf8AW1afCRpKJejse3"

This endpoint updates an external ticket reference. On a successful request, it will return a 200 response code along with the updated external ticket reference information.

HTTP Request


Request Body

titletrueA short descriptive title of the external ticket. For example, the ticket ID.
external_urltrueThe URL of the external ticket.
external_idtrueAn arbitrary external identifier for the ticket reference.
finding_idtrueThe Cobalt ID of the finding this external ticket belongs to.


You get a 200 response code for a successful request.

idA unique ID representing the external ticket reference. Starts with efr_
titleA short descriptive title of the external ticket. For example, the ticket ID.
ticketing_systemOne of the supported ticketing systems or a custom ticketing system type.
external_urlThe URL of the external ticket.
external_idAn arbitrary external identifier for the ticket reference.
finding_idThe Cobalt ID of the finding this external ticket belongs to.

Delete an External Ticket Reference

curl -X DELETE '' \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN' \

The above command returns no data and a 204 response code when successful.

This endpoint deletes the external ticket reference.

Supported Ticketing Systems

You may create an External Ticket Reference for any ticketing system. The ticketing_system property will accept any arbitrary string, but we recommend using one of the following values when it is possible and reasonable to do so. When you use one of these values, Cobalt will be able to display the logo of the ticketing system alongside the reference in the Cobalt UI.


Get All Events

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": [
      "resource": {
        "id": "ac_Y35JcpGoakrjUSVjtVpXyH",
        "action": "comment_created",
        "subject": {
          "id": "ac_Y35JcpGoakrjUSVjtVpXyH",
          "type": "comment"
        "timestamp": "2022-05-03T01:34:21.587Z"
      "resource": {
        "id": "ac_Y35JcpGoakrjUSVjtVpXyP",
        "action": "pentest_deleted",
        "subject": {
          "id": "ac_Y35JcpGoakrjUSVjtVpXyP",
          "type": "program"
        "timestamp": "2022-05-03T01:34:21.587Z"
      "resource": {
        "id": "ac_Y35JcpGoakrjUSVjtVpXyX",
        "action": "finding_created",
        "subject": {
          "id": "ac_Y35JcpGoakrjUSVjtVpXyX",
          "type": "vulnerability"
        "timestamp": "2022-05-03T01:34:21.587Z"
  "pagination": {
    "next_page": "/events?cursor=a1b2c3d4",
    "prev_page": "/events?cursor=4d3c2b1a"

This endpoint retrieves a list of all events for your account.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

cursorN/AUsed for pagination. Example:
limit10If specified, returns only a specified amount of events. Example:


Get All Tokens

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": [
      "resource": {
        "id": "api_Dge3LsHMjtX8SGEk4a8nux",
        "last_characters": "redacted",
        "name": "Lorem ipsum",
        "expire_at": null
  "pagination": {
    "next_page": null,
    "prev_page": null

This endpoint retrieves a list of all tokens that belong to you.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

cursorN/AUsed for pagination. Example:
limit10If specified, returns only a specified amount of tokens. Example:

Response Fields

idA unique ID representing the token. Starts with api_
nameName of the API token
last_charactersThis property is deprecated. Do not use it.
expire_atnull (not currently implemented)

Refresh Token

curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "resource": {
    "id": "api_Dge3LsHMjtX8SGEk4a8nux",
    "name": "Lorem ipsum",
    "expire_at": null

You can revoke an existing token and issue a new one with the same name by making a POST request to the token refresh endpoint.


If you’ve forgotten your token, you can always re-authenticate in the Cobalt web app. Go to your profile, revoke the old token you’ve forgotten, and generate a new token.

HTTP Request


Response Fields

idA unique ID representing the new token. Starts with api_
secretYour new personal API token. Keep it safe and don’t share with anyone
nameName of your API token
expire_atnull (not currently implemented)


Webhooks allow your system to be notified when events occur on the Cobalt Platform via HTTP POST requests. This eliminates the need to poll the API for updates. You can also manage your webhooks within the Integrations Hub in the Cobalt Platform.

Get all webhooks

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "pagination": {
    "next_page": null,
    "prev_page": null
  "data": [
      "resource": {
        "id": "wb_38URp3gxZqfkjEXmkybrrs",
        "name": "My Webhook",
        "url": "https://example.local",
        "active": true,
        "unhealthy_since": null,
        "user": "us_RxvqT5T3WCFrfTF74B6JLC",
        "subscribed_event_types": [

This endpoint retrieves a list of all webhooks that belong to your organization.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

cursorN/AUsed for pagination. Example:
limit10If specified, returns only a specified amount of webhooks. Example:

Response Fields

idThe ID of the webhook
nameThe name of the webhook
urlThe URL that webhook events are sent to
activeA boolean flag that indicates if the webhook is active
unhealthy_sinceThe time that we began failing to deliver events to this webhook. If the webhook is unhealthy, this field will contain an ISO8601 time stamp. Ex: 2022-08-30T14:14:14.000Z
userThe ID of the user that created the webhook
subscribed_event_typesThe event types that the webhook is subscribed to. See possible event types here.

Get a webhook

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN" \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "resource": {
    "id": "wb_38URp3gxZqfkjEXmkybrrs",
    "name": "My Webhook",
    "url": "https://example.local",
    "active": true,
    "unhealthy_since": null,
    "user": "us_RxvqT5T3WCFrfTF74B6JLC",
    "subscribed_event_types": [

This endpoint retrieves a specific webhook belonging to your organization.

HTTP Request


Response Fields

idThe ID of the webhook
nameThe name of the webhook
urlThe URL that webhook events are sent to
activeA boolean flag that indicates if the webhook is active
unhealthy_sinceThe time that we began failing to deliver events to this webhook. If the webhook is unhealthy, this field will contain an ISO8601 time stamp. Example: 2022-08-30T14:14:14.000Z
userThe ID of the user that created the webhook
subscribed_event_typesThe event types that the webhook is subscribed to. See possible event types here

Create a webhook

curl -X POST "" \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  --data '{
            "name": "My Webhook",
            "active": true,
            "secret": "my_secret",
            "url": "https://example.local/webhook",
            "subscribed_event_types": [

The above command returns the details of the created webhook and a 201 response code when successful. There will be a Location header pointing at the newly created webhook.

  "resource": {
    "id": "wb_38URp3gxZqfkjEXmkybrrs",
    "name": "My Webhook",
    "url": "https://example.local/webhook",
    "active": true,
    "unhealthy_since": null,
    "user": "us_RxvqT5T3WCFrfTF74B6JLC",
    "subscribed_event_types": [

This endpoint creates a new webhook belonging to your organization.

When you attempt to create a webhook, we will send a test event to your endpoint to validate that events can be delivered successfully. Your endpoint must respond with a successful HTTP response status code, for example, 200, 201, 204, etc. For details on test events, see the Webhook Events section below.

HTTP Request



nameThe name of the webhook
activeA boolean flag specifying if the webhook is active
secretAn arbitrary string value. We include this value in the X-Secret header when we send webhook events to you. You can use this to verify that the events you receive are from Cobalt. This field is optional.
urlThe URL to send events to
subscribed_event_typesThe event types that the webhook should be subscribed to. May not be an empty list. See possible event types here.


When the request is successful, you get a 201 response code and the details of the created webhook. The response body fields are the same as documented here. The Location response header contains the URL of the new webhook within the Cobalt API.

Update a webhook

curl -X PATCH '' \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  --data '{
            "name": "FooBar",
            "secret": "super_secret",
            "active": false,
            "url": "https://example.local/webhook2",
            "subscribed_event_types": [

The above command returns the details of the updated webhook and a 200 response code when successful.

  "resource": {
    "id": "wb_38URp3gxZqfkjEXmkybrrs",
    "name": "FooBar",
    "url": "https://example.local/webhook2",
    "active": false,
    "unhealthy_since": null,
    "user": "us_RxvqT5T3WCFrfTF74B6JLC",
    "subscribed_event_types": [

This endpoint updates a webhook belonging to your organization.

HTTP Request



All body fields are optional. You only need to include the fields that should be updated.

nameThe name of the webhook
secretAn arbitrary string value. We include this value in the X-Secret header when we send webhook events to you. You can use this to verify that the events you receive are from Cobalt.
activeA boolean flag specifying if the webhook is active
urlThe URL to send events to
subscribed_event_typesThe event types that the webhook should be subscribed to. May not be an empty list. Non-specified event types that are currently subscribed to will be un-subscribed from. Specified event types that are not currently subscribed to will be subscribed to. See possible event types here.


On a successful update, a 200 response code and the details of the updated webhook will be returned. The response body fields are the same as documented here.

Delete a webhook

curl -X DELETE '' \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-PERSONAL-API-TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.cobalt.v2+json' \

The above command returns no data and a 204 response code when successful.

This endpoint deletes a webhook belonging to your organization.

HTTP Request



On successful deletion, a 204 response code will be returned.

Webhook Delivery and Health

Delivery process:

If your webhook becomes deactivated then you will need to activate it again via the user interface or the API.

Best Practices

  1. Set your webhook secret to a high-entrophy value of sufficient length. When you receive an event, check that the value in the X-Secret header matches your secret. This ensures that you do not process fraudulent webhook events from a threat actor.
  2. Don’t add expensive operations to the endpoint that receives webhook events. A common pattern is to receive webhook events with a lightweight endpoint that publishes received events to a message queue that can be processed by your components containing business logic. This keeps the latency and failure rate of your webhook endpoint low.

Webhook Event General Structure

Webhook event properties:

idfalseThe ID of the webhook event
actionfalseThe action that the event is related to
subjectfalseThe subject that the event is related to
detailstrueAdditional details of the event
timestampfalseThe time that the event occurred

action types:

subject properties:

idfalseThe ID of the subject resource
typefalseThe type of the subject resource
associationstrueIDs of associated entities

subject types:

The format of the subject ID will change based on the type of the subject. The full information about the event subject can be fetched from the GET API route that is appropriate for the subject type.


Pentest Created Event

  "id": "eve_G2FcwQF2HD1Fvw8v6kWzut",
  "action": "PENTEST_CREATED",
  "subject": {
    "id": "pt_JZb7yF5jtPzHkGbdv9gTm1",
    "type": "PENTEST",
    "associations": {
      "asset_id": "as_Je7VmdguBKDgnBeVAHvvzg"
  "details": null,
  "timestamp": "2024-03-18T16:48:07.876Z"

This event is fired when a new pentest is created.


Subject type: PENTEST

Subject associations:


Event details: None

Pentest State Updated Event

  "id": "eve_NViSofme6fkUeHA4DLMJ4Z",
  "subject": {
    "id": "pt_JZb7yF5jtPzHkGbdv9gTm1",
    "type": "PENTEST",
    "associations": {
      "asset_id": "as_Je7VmdguBKDgnBeVAHvvzg"
  "details": null,
  "timestamp": "2024-03-18T16:49:31.217Z"

This event is fired when a pentest’s state is updated.


Subject type: PENTEST

Subject associations:


Event details: None

Finding Deleted Event

  "id": "eve_QTDZnhhHzQAbrADCbp4iZs",
  "action": "FINDING_DELETED",
  "subject": {
    "id": "vl_NQ1AmofsRQYich6nGda4Vh",
    "type": "FINDING",
    "associations": {
      "pentest_id": "pt_72jWq2hJ3arozEWq9HU7Mk",
      "asset_id": "as_7PFxAamzsqDNixMcQoR723"
  "details": null,
  "timestamp": "2024-03-18T17:18:10.355Z"

This event is fired when a finding is deleted.


Subject type: FINDING

Subject associations:


Event details: None

Finding Published Event

  "id": "eve_6c355k5S7JnKBLAU4niKcZ",
  "action": "FINDING_PUBLISHED",
  "subject": {
    "id": "vl_Mj56fMKWzkp55XLxC2xEuL",
    "type": "FINDING",
    "associations": {
      "pentest_id": "pt_72jWq2hJ3arozEWq9HU7Mk",
      "asset_id": "as_7PFxAamzsqDNixMcQoR723"
  "details": null,
  "timestamp": "2024-03-18T17:20:40.384Z"

This event is fired when a finding is published for triaging.


Subject type: FINDING

Subject associations:


Event details: None

Finding State Updated Event

  "id": "eve_9M1HKUV8GsjWVkozDLNaid",
  "subject": {
    "id": "vl_Mj56fMKWzkp55XLxC2xEuL",
    "type": "FINDING",
    "associations": {
      "pentest_id": "pt_72jWq2hJ3arozEWq9HU7Mk",
      "asset_id": "as_7PFxAamzsqDNixMcQoR723"
  "details": {
    "previous_state": "triaging",
    "current_state": "need_fix"
  "timestamp": "2024-03-18T17:23:57.207Z"

This event is fired when a finding’s state is updated.


Subject type: FINDING

Subject associations:


Event details:

previous_statefalseThe previous state of the finding
current_statefalseThe current state of the finding

Finding Updated Event

  "id": "eve_8Q4oVYu7yi1WDE6oEwKGg9",
  "action": "FINDING_UPDATED",
  "subject": {
    "id": "vl_Mj56fMKWzkp55XLxC2xEuL",
    "type": "FINDING",
    "associations": {
      "pentest_id": "pt_72jWq2hJ3arozEWq9HU7Mk",
      "asset_id": "as_7PFxAamzsqDNixMcQoR723"
  "details": null,
  "timestamp": "2024-03-18T17:28:26.415Z"

This event is fired when a finding’s content (not state) is updated.


Subject type: FINDING

Subject associations:


Event details: None

Engagement Finding State Updated Event

  "id": "eve_WGipopKwHxTLqdHMKpGM3h",
  "subject": {
    "id": "scrf_CrmugETa3zTJWbu6ybRZMJ",
    "associations": {
      "engagement_id": "scr_HQFC6FaM8kZv17QBTe3rmR"
  "timestamp": "2024-03-18T17:23:57.207Z"

This event is fired when an engagement finding’s state is updated.



Subject associations:



Pagination can be used if the number of resources for a request exceeds the value of the limit query parameter of the request. If the next_page and/or prev_page values in the response are non-null there are additional resources. To paginate append the next_page or prev_page value to the base API URL.

For example, if the next_page value in a response is /resource?cursor=a1b2c3d4 you can send the following request for the next page.



The API supports idempotency for safely retrying requests without accidentally performing the same operation twice. This is useful when an API call is disrupted in transit and you do not receive a response. For example, if a request to create an asset does not respond due to a network connection error, you can retry the request with the same idempotency key to guarantee that no more than one asset is created.

To perform an idempotent request, provide an additional Idempotency-Key: <key> header to the request. The header name Mutation-Check is also supported for backwards compatibility with previous versions of the API.

An idempotency key is a unique value generated by the client which the server uses to recognize subsequent retries of the same request. How you create unique keys is up to you, but we suggest using V4 UUIDs, or another random string with enough entropy to avoid collisions.

All POST requests optionally accept idempotency keys. Idempotency keys expire after 5 minutes.

Rate Limits

The Cobalt API sets rate limits on API requests to manage request volume and maintain system availability.

Rate Limits

Request TypeHTTP VerbsLimitWindowHTTP Response Headers
Get requestsGET10060 secondsX-Rate-Limit-Get-Limit and X-Rate-Limit-Remaining
Mutate requestsPOST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE2060 secondsX-Rate-Limit-Mutate-Limit and X-Rate-Limit-Remaining

HTTP Response Headers

When the Rate Limit Is Exceeded

When a user exceeds the rate limit, the API returns a 509 BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED HTTP response code along with the headers above. The rate limit resets after the specified time window.


The Cobalt API uses the following error codes:

Error CodeMeaning
400Bad Request – Your request is not good
401Unauthorized – Your API token is wrong
403Forbidden – You don’t have access to this resource
404Not Found – The specified request could not be found
405Method Not Allowed – You tried to access Cobalt data with an invalid method
406Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t json
409Conflict – You attempted to create a resource with the same Idempotency-Key header as a recent request.
410Gone – The requested endpoint has been removed from Cobalt servers
418I’m a teapot
422Unprocessable Entity – The content and syntax are correctly formed, but something else is off.
429Too Many Requests – You’re making requests too often.
500Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503Service Unavailable – We’re temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.

Partner Integrations

We request that you please set a custom User-Agent header when developing a partner integration. The custom User-Agent header should identify your integration. This allows us to identify traffic originating from your integration for analytical and troubleshooting purposes.

Format: User-Agent: [IntegrationName]/[IntegrationVersion]

Example: User-Agent: PartnerCobaltIntegration/1.0.0

The User-Agent header is not required, but we strongly encourage partner integrations to send this header.


New Endpoints

In the v2 release, we’ve published some additional endpoints to extend the capabilities of Cobalt API. Please refer to the following endpoints for more details:

Identifier Changes

In Cobalt API v2, we’ve focused on standardizing and extending identifiers for all endpoints. As a result, either the structure or the length of some identifiers has changed. You can see a side-by-side comparison of v1 and v2 with some sample identifiers below:

EndpointResponse fieldv1 (example)v2 (example)

For the majority of endpoints, the only change is the length of the identifier. However, there are some prefix and type changes too. For example, the identifier prefix of the findings endpoint has changed from vu to vl. Similarly, the attachments.token prefix has changed from att to at.

We aren’t expecting any of these to be breaking changes for the majority of our customers, but, if you have any validations in place, concerning prefixes or the length of strings, please update them accordingly.

Please note - the token attribute of the organizations endpoint now returns a different string in v2. This value is also known as “organization token” all over the API docs, and is used as the value of X-Org-Token header when calling endpoints.

Renamed Response Attributes

The token attribute of the attachments object in v1 of assets endpoint was renamed to id in v2.

  // v1
  "attachments": [
      "token": "att_yYXZodA"

  // v2
  "attachments": [
      "id": "at_LA5GcEL4HRitFGCHREqmzL"

New Response Attributes

The response from listing findings and getting a single finding now includes an attachments attribute that shows files attached to a finding. Finding attachments can be programmatically downloaded using this information. Click here for more information.

Request Headers

Acceptapplication/vnd.cobalt.v1+jsonapplication/vnd.cobalt.v2+jsonMust be present in the request
Content-TypeN/Aapplication/vnd.cobalt.v2+jsonRequired for POST/PUT/DELETE HTTP methods
Idempotency-KeyN/ARefer to idempotencySuggested for POST requests

In v1, the Cobalt API was read-only, and in v2 we’ve added different endpoints where you can create, update or delete resources.

With these additions in place, two new headers came into place; Content-Type and Idempotency-Key. The Idempotency-Key is explained in the idempotency section.

Pagination Defaults

In v1, some endpoints had 10, and some others had 1000 as their pagination default value. In this release, we’ve updated the default pagination values of all endpoints to 10. Two endpoints were affected by this change:

Endpointv1 (default)v2 (default)


If you want to receive our API updates you can subscribe to our mailing list. We will be sending you a newsletter containing changes and improvements in our API once a month. You can also unsubscribe anytime you want. Your email address won’t be shared with any other organization.